The end of waiting

So what have I been up to and where have I been. Probably a good question.

In short, in and out of a few tech startups and big organisations, finding myself more, solidifying who I am and what I stand for, a wild run post covid and meeting my partner and a dog and a few cats.

That said I’ve never lost sight of where I want to be and what I want. To that effect, it’s time to come home now, especially since we are now in a world where it’s possible to do the things career wise I want to do from almost anywhere now. It’s time to do some big things, but with my own shoes and not filling someone else’s.

Perhaps too I can pass on a few bits of insight to those who want to do the things I do, but do not want to leave home. Once upon a time you left small country towns never to return because if you didn’t want to be a tradie or a few limited other professions you were out of luck, you had to go where the business was. I’m happy for the next generation that this to a degree is not the case anymore.

I am very encouraged to see WACTIH get started, it doesn’t matter who’s concept it is, just how it helps the community to access the wider global digital economy, in IT we all take ideas and iterate and innovate, it’s how it always has been and always will. Just look at the evolution of AMM’s in the last 4 years, half of it is a derivative of Uniswap right? Steve Jobs has that famous line “Good artists copy, great artists steal” after all.

Anyways, there’s much more to add later, but, that’s all I have for now.